Welcome to IMCE

The Indonesian Muslim Community of Edmonton (IMCE) is a charity non-profit, religious-based organization that aims to foster the Indonesian muslims community living in Edmonton, Canada and its surroundings through various religious and social activities and support the establishment of an IMCE Islamic Centre / Masjid.
(BN: 76705 5346 RR0001)

IMCE in the News

Ust. Arifin Jayadiningrat

“Kesempatan Emas Pintu2 surga terbuka. Saatnya bulan penuh keberkahan menjadikan harta kita sebagai bekal kehidupan abadi..”


Ust. Arifin Jayadiningrat

“Beribadahlah dengan ilmu. Selalu belajar. Jangan sekedar beribadah tanpa semangat menuntut ilmu”

Join our community.

You are welcome to join us if you live in the Edmonton area and meet the criteria as stated in our by-laws.